Imagine you are Miles you are writing a letter to your parents after the Thanksgiving break.
Dear mom,
Dear dad,
the Thanksgiving vavation was quiet hard. As I told you before I had a lot of wark to do. Somedays I had to wake up at 7:30 to finish my homework or essay.
But my friends were with me and in my rarely freetime I did funny things with them. But mom don't worry! I did not get in trouble! I still do not smoke, I still do not drink alcohol and for shure I will never do something stupid.
The mother of my roommate Chip Martin inveted me to spent Thanksgiving with them and Alaska. She is a very nice girl I met here.
Mrs. Martin lives in a small trailer, but she is so friendly. She made a real good Thanksgiving meal. But there was no cranberry sauce, so it wasn't as good as yor food mum. I missed the taste of that a bit, but it was still a good meal.
I will visit you at home on Christmas.
See you then. I miss you both.
Yours Miles
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